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timelapse captures vietnam's beauty, north to south


A former digital and graphic designer, South African Rory Allen, turned a three-week trip through Vietnam into a two-minute clip that makes full use of his timelapse expertise to capture both the fast pace of local metropolises and the pristine scenery of Vietnam’s natural landscapes. His itinerary included Saigon and Phu Quoc in the south, Da Nang and Hoi An in central Vietnam and Hanoi and Cat Ba Island in the north.


According to the South African, the adventures related to motorbikes were the most memorable part of his journey. ‘It’s an experience, especially if you rent your own. Our highlight was actually being caught in a heavy rain and lightning storm on a rental scooter as it was getting dark, very far from the place we were staying.’


Feast your eyes on the Vietnam’s landscapes in Allen’s travel video:


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