DTH Travel Staging


Updated List of Countries Allowed to Enter Laos under Green Zone Plan


Updated List of Countries Allowed to Enter Laos under Green Zone Plan

Fourteen more countries are added to the list of nationalities allowed to enter Laos under the Travel Green Zone Plan. The additional countries include:


·        Brunei

·        Indonesia

·        Philippines

·        Norway

·        Switzerland

·        Finland

·        Israel

·        Ireland

·        Hungary

·        Austria

·        New Zealand

·        Poland

·        Denmark

·        Belgium


Travellers from these countries are allowed to travel to Laos under the reopening scheme under two zones, namely Green Travel Zones and Green Travel Trails: Laos Travel Conditions for 2022 Reopening


For more information you may check LaoSafe or contact our General Manager for Diethelm Laos Ms. Georgie Walsh at Georgie.W@la.diethelmtravel.com

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